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Thank you for your interest in visiting the Lublin University of Technology!

General Info

If you wish to participate in Erasmus Staff Mobility for Teaching at LUT you are obliged to complete the Application Form and Staff Mobility for Teaching Agreement. Please note that language of instruction is English. Forms are availeble here

Please take into account that getting acceptance at LUT may take 2 weeks. You could start procedure of applying for a visa (if required) into the respected consulate or embassy only after receiving an Acceptance Letter from LUT.

The Application Documents are forwarded for approval to the faculty coordinators of Erasmus+ programme on the faculties. The decision on acceptance is given by signature on the said documents.

On the basis of the said documents, the employee of International Education Office issues the Acceptance Letter, in which the dates of mobility are confirmed. After completion of mobility, the faculty coordinator of Erasmus+ programme on the faculty issues the Confirmation, in which the factual dates of stay at LUT are certified.

Additional Info for Erasmus Partner Countries (KA171)

The information about number of scholarships is available at the International Offices or Erasmus Coordinators of partner Universities.

  1. The first stage of qualification takes place at a partner University – please consult the home university about formal requirements.
  2. Check qualification deadline and formal requirements at the home university. Prepare necessary application documents (Application Form and Staff Mobility for Teaching Agreement) available here. Since the language of instruction is English, your documents should also be completed in English.
  3. The documents of the accepted candidates must be sent to LUT by a partner University.
  4. The second stage of qualification takes place at LUT, where application documents are verified.
  5. International Education Officer contacts the candidate to confirm his/her participation.
  6. Having confirmed the participation of the candidate an Acceptance Letter is issued.
Practical Arrangements

After receiving an Acceptance Letter, each teacher needs to apply for a visa to the appropriate consulate or embassy.

If the original Acceptance Letter or fax is required please contact OIE staff (Karolina Mazur k.mazur@pollub.pl)

The acceptance within Erasmus+ teaching mobility does not mean the automatic acceptance of accommodation. The further details regarding Erasmus+ teaching mobility will be sent to participants via email.

Detailed rules of project realization, implementation and financials are available here


loga-na_strone-1.jpgProjekt współfinansowany ze środków Unii Europejskiej w ramach Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego, Program Operacyjny Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój 2014-2020 "PL2022 - Zintegrowany Program Rozwoju Politechniki LubelskiejPOWR.03.05.00-00-Z036/17