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Forms for students participating in the recruitment process and qualified for the traineeship abroad within Erasmus+ programme.

Forms MUST be completed electronically!

  1. Application form - completed electronically, two-sided printing, signed, GPA confirmed by the Deans Office (in accordance with faculty application rules for traineeships abroad within exchange programmes);
  2. Letter of Intent - completed electronically, stamped and signed by the responsible person at the Receiving Institution;
  3. Other documents specified in the Faculty Application Rules (the Faculty Application Rules are available on the faculty website and at the Faculty Coordinator).

Required documents must be submitted to the Faculty Coordiantor before March 31st (for traineeships starting April - October) or October 31st (for traineeships starting November - March)

  1. Learning Agreement section Before the Mobility completed and signed by all parties;

  2. Student's Status Certificate issued by the Dean's Office (for mobilities during studies);

  3. Certificate of Completion of Studies issued by the Dean's Office (for recent graduates mobilities);

  4. Bank account statement;

  5. copy of insurance (accident and liability insurance valid for the whole period of traineeship abroad in the country of the traineeship);

  6. copy of EHIC card or equivalent health insurance.

Every mobility participant is also required to complete an on-line language test in the Online Lingustic Support system.

To receive the scholarship no later than on the first day of traineeship (according to the dates stated in the financial agreement) mobility participant must provide all the required document to OIE and sign the agreement at least 2 weeks before the planned beginning of the traineeship

The Financial Agreement is completed by OIE officer and can be signed by the mobility participant o the prior settled date.

Once your mobility is over, you need to deliver to the Office of International Education the following documents:

1. Confirmation of the traineeship period

2. Learning Agreement - After Mobility

3. Student Report

4. Online Survey (you will received from the EU system automatically upon the termination of the traineeship)

Forms to be completed after the mobility
smt_student_report.docx 94.05KB [ .docx ]

loga-na_strone-1.jpgProjekt współfinansowany ze środków Unii Europejskiej w ramach Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego, Program Operacyjny Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój 2014-2020 "PL2022 - Zintegrowany Program Rozwoju Politechniki LubelskiejPOWR.03.05.00-00-Z036/17