
Oferta BIP - "Internet of Things & 3D Printing", University of Novi Sad (Serbia)

30.11.2023 Studenci
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University of Novi Sad (Serbia) zaprasza do wzięcia udziału w BIP (Blended Intensive Programme) organizowanym we współpracy z University of Szeged (Węgry) i University of Porto (Portugalia).

Liczba miejsc: 2

Studenci chętni do wziecia udziąłu w wymianie muszą zostać nominowani przez Biuro Kształcenia Międzynarodowego. Wstępna kwalifikacja odbywa się na wydziale.

Szczegóły oferty:

We are excited to extend an invitation to your university to participate in the Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programme "Internet of Things & 3D Printing," organized by University of Novi Sad (Serbia) in collaboration with the University of Szeged (Hungary) and the University of Porto (Portugal).

Internet of Things (IoT) is one of the significant trends in modern technology. Internet-enabled devices are omnipresent and always connected to the Internet and to each other. Their application ranges from personal, such as mobile phones, smart home appliances to the wide industrial scale, such as production line monitoring and connected cars. Their constant connectivity generates large amounts of data, which is used for analysis, resulting in reduction of costs, improved safety, and an overall increase in quality of life.
It is inevitable that today’s students will encounter IoT in their future jobs. Therefore, it is of crucial importance for the students to be introduced to the underlying principles, technologies, and procedures of IoT, truly understand its impact and be able to use it in their work.
As for teachers, they must be aware of the vast scope and depth of the IoT, how it relates to modern education, and how to integrate it with the ‘classical’ disciplines taught in academia.
3D printing was until recently reserved for expensive industrial applications or dedicated hobbyists. Nowadays, with the emergence of affordable, easy-to-use 3D printers and software tools, prototyping, and manufacturing of IoT devices is within the grasp of secondary and higher educational institutions. The way of thinking and methods of 3D design should be included in curricula to bring together theory and practice, with the goal of enabling students to produce prototype devices and use them in their work.

The Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programme welcomes students from all EU Member States and third countries associated with the Erasmus+ Programme!

Time frame:

  • 2 April-10 May 2024 (virtual part)
  • 20 May – 24 May 2024 (physical part)

Detailed information and the application process can be found here.



Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Unii Europejskiej w ramach Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego, Program Operacyjny Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój 2014-2020 "PL2022 - Zintegrowany Program Rozwoju Politechniki LubelskiejPOWR.03.05.00-00-Z036/17