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Erasmus at LUT? YES! Vote now!

07.01.2025 Students
The entry may contain outdated data.

Watch the videos below and choose the winner of the contest!


Imane's Era


LUT reel by Aziz


One Day as a Student in Lublin


Wanderasmus Chronicles

The voting is closed. Thank you!

Who's the winner? Join our Farewell Meeting to find out!

More info: https://bkm.pollub.pl/en/news/farewell-meeting-15-01-2025-232.html

Voting rules:

  • Every student and employee of the Lublin University of Technology may cast their vote.
  • Only votes cast from emails in the pollub.edu.pl or pollub.pl domain will be valid.
  • Only one vote may be sent from one email address.

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