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International Staff Training and Teaching Week 16-20.10.2023

25.07.2023 Pracownicy Staff
The entry may contain outdated data.

On October 16-20, 2023, the Office of International Education will host a delegation of university profesors from program countries and third countries not associated with the program. Incoming Staff will stay at Lublin University of Technology as a part of the Erasmus+ programme.

The purpose of the visit will be to get acquainted with the functioning of individual departments of the Lublin University of Technology and the city of Lublin. During the planned workshops, the principles of student and staff exchange under the Erasmus+ program will be discussed. Foreign guests will be able to visit the PL laboratories, the Main Library and take part in the plenary session during which the designated PL employees will present a variety of topics, e.g. what the EduGame is all about, what NAWA projects the university is involved in and what intercultural competences are.

Persons interested in meeting representatives of foreign universities are asked to contact the Office of International Education.

Files to download
ulotka_staff_week.pdf 13.14MB [ .pdf ]

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