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Invitation to 20th International Week and BIP

The entry may contain outdated data.

Dear Colleagues,


We would like to invite academic and non-academic staff to the 20th International Week and Blended Intensive Programme under the topic “Professional Development” on 15-19 April 2024.


During the Week, there will be two separate events:

  1. 20th International Week – intended for Lecturers, coming for Teaching Mobility programme. Lecturers will give lectures to KVK students, and additionally will be able to attend seminars, workshops, conference, and cultural programme. 
  1. Blended Intensive Programme – intended for International officers, coming for Training Mobility Participants will attend seminars, workshops, and cultural programme. 

We kindly invite our colleagues from International Office to join our BIP, which will cover a lot of relevant questions about Erasmus programme and Internationalization. Partners will share their best practices, will have various seminars and discussions.

Lecturers are invited to another event - International Week, where they can deepen their professional knowledge during various seminars, give lectures to students.

Although the events are separate, some of the activities will be held together, so participants will be able to get to know more partners.


Registration is open till 1 March (the number of places is limited, so registration might be closed earlier):



More information and programme: 




Pagarbiai / Sincerely,


Ina Varpiotė|   

Tarptautinių ryšių skyriaus specialistė  

Klaipėdos valstybinė kolegija | www.kvk.lt   

Jaunystės g. 1, LT-91274 Klaipėda, Lietuva  

Mob.: +370 630 07736   

El.paštas: i.varpiote@kvk.lt  


Ina Varpiotė|  

Specialist of International Relations Department  

Klaipėdos valstybinė kolegija / Higher Education Institution 

Erasmus code: LT KLAIPED09 

Jaunystės str. 1, LT-91274 Klaipeda, Lithuania  

Phone: +370 630 07736  

Email: i.varpiote@kvk.lt  


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