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"Study in Poland" consultation meeting 2023

14.07.2023 Uczelnia University
The entry may contain outdated data.

On 12 July 2023, another consultation meeting was held as part of the 'Study in Poland' programme run by the Educational Foundation 'Perspektywy'. This year, the meeting was hosted by the Warsaw School of Economics. Over a dozen speeches and panel discussions summarised the activities and successes of Polish higher education institutions in the field of internationalisation to date, undertaken in cooperation with, among others, the Foundation itself and the National Academic Exchange Agency. They also debated future directions for further development of internationalisation, including where and how to attract the best students from abroad.

There are currently more than 100,000 foreign students in Poland. According to the Central Statistical Office (GUS), there are 105 400 foreign students, while 102 400 students are registered in the POL-on system.


A detailed programme of the meeting is available here

More information on the "Study in Poland" programme can be found here


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