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What was 2024 like at OIE?

The entry may contain outdated data.

Three... two... one... In just a short while, with fireworks flashing and champagne in our glasses, we will be saying goodbye to the old year and looking forward to what the new one will bring. What was 2024 like at the LUT Office of International Education? Sit back and read on.

Dynamic. When did it fly by! Each month was filled to the brim with tasks. The planned  ones and those that like to pop up unexpectedly ;)

Diverse. This year we focused on an exceptionally broad spectrum of activities and were involved in many initiatives, not only connected with the Erasmus+ programme [Check].

Rich in changes. The biggest was undoubtedly the move to a new office. Ah, what excitement it was! Anyone who has done a refurbishment at least once knows what it is all about. [See how to reach us].

International. It could not have been any other way, given that we have it in our office name. But it is not just staff and student mobility: it includes delegations [did you know that we were visited by university representatives from Algeria, among others?], business trips (e.g. to Ilmenau), foreign interns (as part of the ZUL initiative) and even filmmakers [Curious? Go here]


Full of challenges. Although our work is pleasant and we never experience boredom, there are sometimes a few drops on the forehead and the heart will also beat harder. Keeping an eye on the budget, writing projects, systemic checks with FRSE, resolving conflicts between students of different backgrounds or random events (such as this year's flood) are just some of the situations we have to deal with on a daily basis. We are fortunate, however, that we form a close-knit team and in the end we always come out of every trouble with courage. Relationships make it all!

Constantly on the move. And I mean not only Erasmus trips. It is also about conferences, moving around the city of Lublin [see photos] or even the LUT campus itself. Apart from the regular informational campagins in the form of a mobile OIE point wandering around the faculties [see details], you could have also met us at events such as WZ-ciak, Wkręć się w koło or the Job Fair organised by the Career's Office.

Media! Have we been in the media? Check, for example, the material produced by TVP3 Lublin. But above all, we tried to create these media ourselves. Especially social media - we are meeting student expectations. And you, have you already liked the OIE profile on Facebook? Or do you prefer to observe us on Instagram? We look forward to seeing you!

Jubilee. This year, we celebrated 25 years of the Erasmus programme at LUT, culminating in an amazing exhibition created together with CINT, which you could have seen in the 'Rusty Building' from October until the end of December. Its multimedia elements remain available on CINT's social media profiles [Check out what's there!]


As you can see, there was really a lot going on at OIE. Were you part of what we were creating? Be sure to share in the comments!

In closing, a big thank you to everyone who has contributed to our activities over these past 12 months - we are not slowing down!

See you in the new year!

loga-na_strone-1.jpgProjekt współfinansowany ze środków Unii Europejskiej w ramach Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego, Program Operacyjny Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój 2014-2020 "PL2022 - Zintegrowany Program Rozwoju Politechniki LubelskiejPOWR.03.05.00-00-Z036/17